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His articles have appeared in such premiere venues as the Journal of Biblical Literature, the Journal for the Study of the New Testament, New Testament Studies, the Catholic Biblical Quarterly, and Biblical Research, as well as in edited volumes, including Paul Unbound (Hendrickson, 2009), The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (Abingdon, 2009), Reading Paul’s Letter to the Romans (Society of Biblical Literature, 2012), Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul: Essays in Honor of Frank J. Matera (Society of Biblical Literature, 2012), the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Ethics (“Galatians”), the Lexham Bible Dictionary (“Sadducees,” “The Letter to the Romans”), Sin and Its Remedy in Paul (Cascade Books, 2020), “With Gentleness and Respect”: Essays in Honor of Troy W. Martin (Peeters, 2020), Always Reforming: Reflections on Martin Luther and Biblical Studies (Lexham Press, 2021), Paul and Moses (Mohr Siebeck, 2020), The Old Testament in the New (“Israel’s Scriptures in Galatians,” Eerdmans, 2023), The Pauline Mind (“Israel,” Routledge, forthcoming), Paul’s Letter to the Roman: Theological Essays (Hendrickson 2023), and The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters (“Narrative,” InterVarsity, 2023).
Dr. Das is also researching the key women and their leadership in the Pauline communities and writings. He served as a founding steering committee member and then as co-chair of the Society of Biblical Literature’s Scripture and Paul Seminar (2016-2022). He has presented his work at the annual meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Chicago Society of Biblical Research, the Institute for Biblical Research, the international Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, of which he is an elected member, and the Evangelical Theological Society. He is also a member of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. He was one of a handful of western scholars invited to deliver a paper at the inaugural meeting of the Society of Biblical Scholars, the new organization for biblical scholarship on the African continent. He has published in and served on the editorial board of the biblical studies journal Sapientia Logos and the Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters. His labors throughout the entirety of the New Testament are reflected in the Christian Standard Bible (CSB), a translation released in 2017; he continues to serve on its Translation Oversight Committee. He has authored for wider audiences Baptized into God’s Family (Northwestern, 1991; second edition, 2008), and his Dinner with the Doctor: Luke’s Gospel for the Hungry is forthcoming soon. This will be the first of a series with the second tentatively titled A Mountaintop Experience with Matthew: The Gospel in the Wake of a Divorce.
Dr. Das received graduate degrees from Yale University and Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. He also did doctoral work at Duke University. He teaches in biblical studies, early Christianity and Second Temple Judaism. He served for five years as the Assistant Dean for Assessment and Accreditation, including Elmhurst University’s thoroughly positive Federal Compliance Review and reaffirmation from the Higher Learning Commission in 2018.